man. 12. mar.
Internal family system work with children and adolescents
v. Senior Lead Trainer Pam Krause, Pennsylvania USA
Tid og sted
12. mar. 2018, 09.00 – 13. mar. 2018, 16.00
Roskilde, Smedegade 10, 4000 Roskilde, Danmark
Om eventet
Internal family system work with children and adolescents
v. Senior Lead Trainer Pam Krause, Pennsylvania USA
Internal Family System (IFS) Therapy er udviklet af Rich Schwartz, som oprindeligt var trænet i systemisk familieterapi. Modellen tager udgangspunkt i, at vi rummer forskellige dele eller har forskellige repræsentationer af stemmer i os. Modellen er yderst sympatisk i sin forståelse af vanskeligheder, og for klienter synes ideerne at skabe umiddelbar genkendelse. Pamela Krause er mangeårig underviser på IFS instituttet. Hun har på kreativ vis videreudviklet modellen til at arbejde med børn og unge. Hun har ikke tidligere været i Europa, så dette er en særlig chance for at møde hende og modellen, som er yderst anvendelig i terapi og rådgivning. De seneste år har der i internationale terapitidsskrifter, bl.a. Psychotherapy Networker, været tiltagende mange referencer til IFS blandt andre af parterapeut Susan Johnson (Emotionsfokuseret parterapi) og traumespecialist Janina Fisher.
The Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of psychotherapy offers a clear, non-pathologizing method of understanding human problems. The practice of IFS invites both therapist and client to enter into a transformational relationship in which healing can occur. A basic assumption of IFS is that it is the nature of the mind to be divided into sub-personalities or parts, and that these parts contain valuable qualities, talents, and resources for us; that one mind could not do everything we have to do simultaneously. Because of things that happen to us in our lives, parts are forced out of their naturally valuable states into roles they actually do not like. Some parts are wounded by the of events in our lives (Exiles) and come to believe they are shameful, worthlessness, unlovable, etc. Other parts (Protectors) react to the wounded ones (Exiles) by taking on new roles in an attempt to keep the wounded parts from being hurt again. Protectors have differing views on the best way to protect an internal system and, with no leader, they struggle with each other for dominance. This can leave people with a lack of internal balance, reacting to external stimuli rather than responding.
Another basic assumption of IFS is that every person has a natural leader inside them; what IFS calls the Self. The Self is an active, compassionate leader that, in most people, is obscured by parts. The Self is also able to heal the wounds of both exiles and protectors so they are able to return to their natural valuable roles creating a system with more harmony. This workshop will:
- Introduce the basic concepts of the IFS model
- Describe in detail the different categories of parts; Exiles and Protectors (manager and firefighters)
- Help participants gain a beginning understanding of their own Self and parts
- Describe how to apply IFS to adults
- Have a special focus on applying IFS to children and adolescents The workshop will consist of:
- Lecture
- Demonstration
- Experiential exercises
- Guided meditations to help participants gain awareness of their own parts Pamela K. Krause, LCSW is a Senior Lead Trainer for the Center for Self Leadership. She has worked with the IFS model for nearly 20 years and has been teaching for CSL for 12 years. Pamela has a special focus on applying the IFS model to children and adolescents. Her chapter on this topic is included in IFS New Dimensions (Routledge, 2016) and she has co-authored a chapter on using IFS and EMDR in EMDR Therapy and Adjunct Approaches with Children (Springer, 2013). Pamela has developed workshops that focus on Direct Access and the use of IFS with Children. She lives and works near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.
Tid: Mandag d. 12. marts (2018) og tirsdag d. 13. marts (2018), kl. 9:00 - 16:00 Sted: Psykiatrien Roskilde, Smedegade 10 - 12, 4000 Roskilde - Aktivitetshuset - 1. sal - Stormødelokale Forplejning: Frokost er inkluderet.
Pris: 2800 kr. for medlemmer 3200 kr. for ikke-medlemmer
Tilmelding: Tilmelding senest 29/01/2018 via Herefter kan man kontakte May Scharling på telefon 21 62 14 62 kl. 08:00 - 09:00.
Bemærk: 6 uger forud for kursets afholdelse betragtes tilmeldinger som bindende.